Pepsi has collaborated with G-Shock and Zero Halliburton to create the “Time Traveler Pack,” a limited-edition run of G-Shock DW-6900 CC watches and Zero Halliburton polycarbonate rollers, gifted exclusively to creative impresarios—who travel the world in pursuit of dreams, and who always need to be on time. The watch is adorned with the new Pepsi logo and encased in an aluminum case, whereas the rollers are emblazoned with three statements of positivity: “Optimism,” “Joy,” and “Good.” This collaborative pack comes on the heels of Pepsi’s recent collaborations with Gourmet and Dee and Ricky, and was also facilitated by Team Epiphany in the spirit of Pepsi’s recently-launched “Refresh Project”. The initial delivery of this pack was seeded to a short list of artists, journalists, and musicians; a retail release for these goods will be announced in the short future. Via: Chris Hostos Blog http://atouchofuniqueness.wordpress.com/

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